VA medical care


New member
Aug 28, 2014
Not motorcycle related. I was wondering if any of you have had difficulty getting in to see a Doctor at the VA for an actual problem. Its easy to get in for the annual physical.

This is the first time I have tried to use the VA for a medical problem. I called them last Friday expecting to get an appointment. Instead, the guy on the other end took down my symptoms and forwarded the info to the triage (sp?) nurse. That nurse called me back several hours later and got more specific on symptoms and gave me a phone diagnosis. He said some one would call me Friday afternoon or Monday after my primary care physician decided how to proceed. So far, they have not contacted me and I feel like I have been ignored and that the VA's reputation is well deserved.

My quality of life and job are being affected and I am only 44.

David, when you call in to anywhere medically related, you are not going to get the best service. Even if the triage nurse had thought you needed to be seen right away, /he/she would have told you to go to an ER. I don't know what your chief complaint is/was, but as a VA employee and a veteran whom also uses it for my care, the best thing to do is to always present to the hospital itself and ask to see your primary care physician or his/her nurse. Some VA's do have problems I won't deny, but you also have to take some responsibility and if you think your condition warrants it, you should go in.
Its not an emergency but I was mst surprised by the backwards way of getting in to see some one. This is a clinic and not a A hospital btw. I think they have an urgent care but I did not want to go about ti that way.

Thanks for the advice dlsorensen. I don't want to bash the VA. Its just that so far, not so good.

Upon further consideration, since they think I may have a pinched nerve in my left thigh which is causing me numbness and some burning sensation, I probably should go to the urgent care after all. Have to get over feeling like I Would be bothering them or burdensome I guess.

In my opinion, don't ever feel like you will be a burden! If you go in and that is the attitude that you get from them, I agree that there is a BIG problem. Veterans are my livelihood and for the most part, I love them to death. Clinics are a little different from that aspect compared to the hospital, but if they have an urgent care and it is bugging you, get in there. I work in enrollment and I get a lot of WWII vet's that say pretty much the same thing you said about not wanting to bug and for some of them they can now not get into the system for services based on some convoluted laws by the lawmakers we have elected based on their incomes. I hope it all works out for you and if you need anything let me know. All in all, you DESERVE the services you need, that is our thank you to the veterans.
Getting in to see the VA may take a little time.... I've been there and mainly use a Primary Care Physician unless I have a Service Connected ailment that needs attention. It can be frustrating... the VA is pretty back-logged in my area.
VA experiences will vary, but all of them suck, especially if you have never been seen before. +1 on the walkin-in if available.

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Called the VA a little while ago and got into the triage nurse. She did not understand why the Doctor had not responded to me. She recommended just showing up at the team counter so I do not have to wait any longer since I had tried my best. But she also called me back 1-2 minutes later and got me into a 3:00pm appointment with my primary care Doctor. So something went wrong initially but they are taking care of it.

I was an army medic. As long as I can remember - it's been a long, slow process, I'm sure it's even longer now from what I hear.

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