Thunder Max iRide


New member
Jul 25, 2019
Installed the Thunder Max iRide on my 2019 SGS. Install was not to difficult. Took a few hours, but I was not in a rush and installed while on the ground. No lift. Thunder Max made a YouTube video which I followed and helped tremendously. The video did not address one plug which I had to call and get an answer too.

Over all I am happy with it. I'm 5'5" and have a very short inseam so having both feet on the ground was not going to happen. Now I put both feet on the ground. The ride itself is great. Very smooth. The Cobra Neighbor Haters make it nearly impossible to hear the compressor.
Is it a great ride? I love the fact that the height changes but I want the best ride possible. Debating between I ride and legend Revo A’s. Don’t mi d the money if I can ride all day without fatigue. Any input is appreciated.
I think it is a good ride, better than stock. Cant really compare to anything else as I have only had stock and iRide. I didnt purchase just for the ride. Im 5'5" so I like that I can put both feet on the ground without leaning the bike at all. Still not as low as I would like but easily 2+ inches lower. I did just have a malfunction but it was a bracket that failed, causing the system to fail. Still in the process to see what ThunderMax is going to do.
Any updates on the bracket situation. Im about to install mine. Which bracket was it and why did it fail?

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It was the bracket with the compressor. I took pictures and sent them to ThunderMax. They sent new bracket and compressor along with shipping documents to return the old one. Not a difficult situation other than the bike was down for a few days.

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