Audio Questions


New member
Jun 19, 2019
I am new to the SGS and having speakers on my bike. I have always just used headphones on my old FXSTC.
I agree with most everything that I have read, that the stock fairing speakers suck when you are riding down the highway. I don't have rear speakers or lower fairings. I only have the two stock fairing speakers.
What have others done with the fairing speakers? What is the best bang for your almighty dollar?
I am sure I am not the only one looking for this information but I couldn't find any other thread talking about speakers.
I went with a Diamond Microv2 2 channel 500w per channel amp with Polk MM1's and they sound great. @$350 for amp, $115 for speakers, @$50 for amp power/install kit and two bottles of bourbon to remove the dang speaker pods! You will also need either line levelers or a DSP. Plenty of threads on here and on Youtube!
Went with the Soundz bagger audio for mine. Not cheap but plug and play with the best sound.
Rockford Fosgate fits without modification and are all weather. Runs at 2 ohms off the Fosgate amp. All weather resistant. You would have to flash the stick head unit first. Sinister is good quality as well and has same specs as Fosgate above but costs a but more. I currently run 4 Fosgate 6,5’s up front and 4 6x9’s in the rear with two amps, a Fosgate DSR1 off a Sony XAV-AX7000. Sounds awesome and very loud. My top two choices is Fosgate and Sinister.

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